Yoga Science and Therapy Philosophy

Praveen Kumar
3 min readJan 17, 2021


Body Dimensions (Kosha) — Following are the five dimensions (pancha kosha) in the increasing order of subtlety.

1. Annamaya Kosha: It is physical body made of food. It depends on food for survival.

2. Pranayama Kosha: It is energy body and subtler than Annamaya Kosha body. We can’t see this layer, but we can feel the energy within us or energy presence of other person, deity or consecrated places (e.g. temples).

3. Manomaya Kosha: This is mental body responsible for psychological functions. It in turn has four dimensions — Manas (memory), Buddhi (intellect), Chitta (awareness), ahankara (identity, ego). We can’t see this layer, however we can observe the Maomaya Kosha functions within us, but not within others. We can’t determine what other is thinking.

4. Vijnanamaya Kosha: This is psychic layer responsible for wisdom, intuition and guidance. This dimension is beyond out sense perception. Those who report near-death experience are those who could have slipped accidently into this state. If we learn to find conscious access to this dimension, there will be a quantum leap in our ability to know the cosmic phenomenon.

5. Anandamaya Kosha: This is bliss body, completely beyond physical and the most subtle dimension.

Prana — It is fundamental energy responsible for vitality and life. It is the life force and vehicle of consciousness. For a good health, it is important to have balanced and regulated Prana within us. The evolution of consciousness within us depends on our ability to access this layer.

Yogic system has mapped 72,000 energy channels called nadis. Prana moves through these channels. All the senses continuously consume pranic energy so that balance and regulation of pranic energy is important.

Out of 72,000 nadis, three are the most critical ones which are:

Pingla — it can be controlled and balanced by right nostril. Pingla represents Sun (Solar energy) and is symbolized as the masculine. If Pingla channel is overactive, body becomes restless and violent which can be balanced through left nostril.

Ida — it represents Moon (Lunar energy) and is symbolized as the feminine. If Ida channel is overactive, person may get in the state lethargy and depression. Overactive ida can be balanced by activating Pingla energy chanlle through right nostril.

Masculine and feminine don’t refer to biological differences, but to certain qualities in nature that have been identified as such.

Sushumna — is the cental energy channel and is the most significant aspect of our physiology.

Nadis don’t have a physical manifestation.

Chakras are the centers where nadis meet along Sushumna in a particular way to create an energy vortex. There are many chakras but sever are the most important ones. It is not easy reach them, however Asanas can activate energy in the them.

Seven chakras and its healing areas are shown in the table below.

The following table shows the related health disease if corresponding chakras are not functioning properly.



Praveen Kumar

Inconsequential speck on a speck called Earth in a vast Universe