“How To Find God” Meditation

Praveen Kumar
2 min readDec 29, 2020


Despite an attempt made over the last century, unfortunately, no amount of quantum mechanics helps us understand God. The only cue from science we can take is understanding that our entire cells in the body go through changes, constantly, so much so that the human body replaces complete old cells in five to seven years. In other words, the human body gets a new body in five to seven years, including brain cells. This is fascinating when looked through the lens of science. If we want to experience God, we have to go beyond science. If we get a new human body every five to seven years, there is something that remains unchanged within us. There is the source of creation within us that remains the same since the birth (and before), even when we get a completely new body through cell replacement. This thing “which remains the same” cannot be explained and understood, and it is this thing which is “Soul,” “Being,” “Divine,” “Unmanifested,”, “God” — pick any word that suits you — it is just a label. It can only be experienced, though the mind will trick you, and it will try to understand it.

Try in three steps and then keep going deeper:

1. Do your favorite Yoga and Pranayama — this is to still the body so that you get close to your body and feel the energy flowing within. We are using our body as a portal to experience the Unmanifested.

2. Meditate — any technique that works for the best for you. Focusing on breath (not controlling in anyway) and body scan is one of such methods and is easy to work with.

3. Experience — when in a deep state of meditation, experience the source of creation working within you that is ever present and within you and within every creature.



Praveen Kumar

Inconsequential speck on a speck called Earth in a vast Universe